Hannah Weill

Hannah Weill is a public relations professional based in New York City. She earned a bachelor’s degree in
Communications with a concentration in Integrated Communications and minors in Entrepreneurship and Marketing
from Wake Forest University. Hannah’s previous experiences include internships in project management, B2C
consumer goods, technology and healthcare.
At Wake Forest, Hannah’s passion for entrepreneurship and community engagement led her to work on numerous
group projects with classmates, many of which consisted of starting a business using the ideation to evaluation
method while creating business models and projection plans. These experiences, combined with a creative mind and
quick thinking, led her to pursue a career dedicated to supporting mission-driven businesses, nonprofits and social
advocacy causes.

What do you love most about working in public relations?

I love the problem-solving that comes with building out strategy. I think it’s really exciting to play with new ideas
and embrace creative solutions to find the best solution for clients.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy listening to new music, hanging out with friends and antique shopping.

What song do you currently have on repeat?
Oysters in My Pocket – Royal Otis

What show and/or movie have you recently seen that you recommend?
Oysters in My Pocket – Royal Otis

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sushi – all kinds!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

What is meant for you will come to you! It can be challenging (for myself sometimes!) to remember that life has a way of working itself out, and there’s no use in sweating the small stuff.

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