Cecilia is a communications professional based in New York City working to increase visibility for advocacy-based organizations and uplift the voices of under-resourced communities. She has worked with clients in the private and public sectors supporting in strategy, messaging, media relations and campaign development.

With a Bachelor of Arts in international studies and specializations in Latin America and geography from Colorado State University, Cecilia began her career working with local nonprofits in New York with event management, marketing and research. Her past educational and professional experiences shaped her passion for utilizing storytelling as a means of community empowerment.

What do you love most about working in public relations?
I love the variation. Since there is no “one size fits all” in terms of campaign development and media relations, every day looks different and presents new opportunities to be creative.

What has been one of your favorite campaigns to work on?  
One of my favorite campaigns was working with the Ira A. Lipman Center at the Columbia School of Journalism with the launch of Uncovering Inequality, a research-based project dissecting and examining the state of Black-white inequality across five sectors. The work was extremely fulfilling and offered a unique opportunity to join academia and journalism together with the goal to educate.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m usually at the gym, reading in the park or learning how to salsa.

What song do you currently have on repeat?
Flor Pálida by Marc Anthony is always on repeat.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The mushroom garganelli from Wild on Hudson Street. It is just. so. good.

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