Strategic Board Development for Nonprofits: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting a robust board of directors is fundamental to the success of any nonprofit, playing a pivotal role in advancing its mission. To ensure strategic decision-making, it is crucial to carefully construct and manage your board. As a PR firm committed to supporting non-profit clients and mission-driven organizations, we offer pragmatic insights to strategically build an effective board. This guide delves into key considerations for optimizing your board-building process. 

Create a Strategic Board in 4 Steps

1. Set Clear Expectations for Nonprofit Board Excellence

  • To ensure the success of your nonprofit, it’s essential to set clear expectations for your board of directors. 
  • Define the purpose of your board and outline the specific responsibilities of each member. 
  • Consider implementing a “give, get, or get off” program, where board members contribute financially, engage volunteers, or resign if they cannot meet their commitments. 
  • Determine the annual fundraising goal for your board, and communicate it clearly. 

2. Diversify Your Board Strategically

  • Diversity is key to a successful board. Emphasize diversity in age, race, gender, and geographic location. 
  • Identify influential community connectors, ensuring your board is well-connected within the larger community.  
  • Diversify board occupations to maximize outreach and leverage the six degrees of separation. 
  • A diverse board brings a variety of perspectives and ideas, enhancing the overall impact of your nonprofit. 

3. Do Your Homework for Board Recruitment Success

  • Board members hold significant influence over your organization, so thorough research is essential. Once someone joins the board, they essentially become a part “owner” of the organization and will make very important decisions. 
  • Create a shortlist of potential members and interview them to assess their commitment to your mission and organization 
  • Evaluate their skills, ability to collaborate, and their potential to contribute positively to the organization 
  • Choose dynamic members with the right chemistry and expertise to align with your nonprofit’s goals and values. 

4. Emphasize Support and Subcommittees for Board Success

  • Acknowledge that your board of directors will require support and subcommittees to achieve its goals effectively. 
  • Establish subcommittees to efficiently accomplish goals, recognizing the importance of collaboration and delegation and focusing on specific aspects of your nonprofit’s mission. 
  • These subcommittees can help streamline decision-making processes and allocate responsibilities effectively. 

Build Your Nonprofit Board Today

Building a strong and effective board of directors is a vital step in advancing the mission of your nonprofit organization. By setting clear expectations, diversifying your board, conducting thorough research on potential members, and establishing support structures, you can create a board that contributes significantly to your organization’s success. 

For more insights and best practices in nonprofit governance, consider exploring relevant news articles on nonprofit board development and strategic leadership within the sector. 

Remember that the board of directors plays a critical role, but their success depends on the support and commitment of the entire organization. Effective governance and strategic planning are essential to achieve your nonprofit’s mission. To learn more about ways that The TASC Group’s award-winning team can help your organization strengthen its mission to the public, visit our website.

The Value of Media Training

Navigating an interview, whether it be for print, radio or TV segment, can be tricky. Quality media training allows a client spokesperson to get in front of a camera or microphone and clearly, concisely communicate their message to the general public. 

During live media opportunities, you only have one shot at saying what you need to say. 

It is so easy to be distracted by the bright lights and the flurry of questions aimed at you, leading you to lose track of the brilliant idea you had coming into the interview – the idea that you actually want to convey to your audience, the idea that can significantly help or propel your organization and mission. 

Why Is Media Training Important?  

Effective media training allows you to communicate in a way the average person can understand.  

Oftentimes, under pressure, spokespeople will fall back to using industry-specific terms, leaving the audience scrambling to understand the conversation. Because live interviews only last a couple of minutes, there is no time to reexplain your point until your audience gets it. 

What Can You Learn From Good Media Training?  

1. Dress the Part

Media training includes guidance on what to wear for interviews. The aim is to project professionalism and align with the organization’s image.  

2. Hit Your Key Messages

One crucial aspect emphasized in media training is ensuring that you hit your key messages. These are the core points you want to convey during the interview. Media trainers work on honing your key messages, making sure each point is clear, concise, and memorable.  

3. Speak in Sound Bites

As mentioned earlier, media training teaches the art of speaking in sound bites—short, catchy phrases that are easy for reporters to quote. These snippets capture the essence of your message and make it more likely to be included in media coverage. 

4. Maintain Genuine Behavior

Acting genuine and authentic is paramount. Media training emphasizes the importance of coming across as natural and relatable during interviews. This involves being yourself, using everyday language, and connecting with the audience on a personal level.  

5. Practice Non-Verbal Communication

Beyond words, media trainers pay attention to non-verbal cues. From body language to facial expressions, they ensure that your visual communication aligns with your spoken message. This can include maintaining eye contact, using open gestures, and projecting confidence. 

6. Handle Tough Questions with Poise

Media training prepares individuals for handling tough or unexpected questions. Instead of evading or stumbling, the focus is on responding without defense.  

7. Build a Connection with Your Audience

Connecting with your audience emotionally is a key aspect of media training. This involves incorporating personal anecdotes, relatable stories, or examples that resonate with viewers. Building this connection enhances the impact of your message. 

8. Stay Calm Under Pressure

Live interviews can be intense, and media training equips individuals to stay calm under pressure. This includes managing nerves, maintaining composure, and staying focused on delivering key messages, even in challenging situations. 

Don’t Worry, Your PR Firm Got You Covered

In essence, media training goes beyond verbal communication, encompassing a holistic approach to presentation and engagement. These skills, from appearance to messaging to genuine interaction, collectively contribute to a successful and impactful media interview. 

As your trusted PR partners, we recognize the significance of not only the message itself but also the manner in which it is conveyed and the image it projects, especially during pivotal moments. Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Communications services to discover how we can assist in curating a compelling and impactful media presence for both you and your organization.Reach out to learn more about how TASC can amplify your organization’s thought leadership, ensuring your voice resonates powerfully across various platforms. Our aim is to elevate your company’s mission, fostering greater awareness, engagement, and support within your target audience and beyond.

Optimizing Volunteer Management for Nonprofits and Mission-Driven Organizations

Efficient volunteer management is a crucial component of any successful nonprofit or mission-driven organization. Creating a positive volunteer experience benefits both the organization and the individuals involved. In this guide, we will explore key steps for managing volunteers effectively. 

Key Steps for Managing Volunteers

1. Starting Strong with Training and Orientation 

Begin your volunteer management journey by offering comprehensive training and orientation to new volunteers to make sure they feel like part of the team. A well-structured volunteer training session sets expectations and equips volunteers with the knowledge they need to thrive. 

Develop a volunteer manual that outlines procedures and serves as a training guide and provide volunteers with other helpful materials like brochures and contact lists. 

Introduce volunteers to organizational members, including board members, to foster a sense of belonging. 

2. Creating a Flexible Schedule 

Accommodate volunteers’ availability to prevent scheduling conflicts. Prepare a schedule in advance and post it on the same day every week, prominently within your office. Encourage volunteers to check the schedule regularly and inform them about any changes. Implement block scheduling for consistency. 

3. Handling Contingencies Gracefully 

Recognize that sometimes volunteers may need to miss their shifts. Designate a person or department responsible for resolving scheduling issues. Ensure volunteers know whom to contact when conflicts arise and encourage timely communication. 

4. Keeping Volunteers Engaged 

Effective supervision is essential to ensure volunteers contribute meaningfully. Regularly assess projects and volunteer performance to optimize their efforts. By providing substantive tasks, you can keep volunteers engaged and committed to your mission. According to Indeed, being specific by giving practical ways that people can volunteer for you makes it easy for them to continue participating. 

5. Evaluating for Improvement 

Engage both the administration and volunteers in evaluating your volunteer program. 

Create questionnaires that solicit feedback on program strengths and weaknesses. Allow volunteers to provide anonymous input, which can be valuable for program enhancement. Honest feedback can be extremely helpful for evaluating the program. 

6. Recognizing and Appreciating Volunteers 

Show appreciation for your volunteers’ dedication and time. Recognition fosters volunteer retention and strengthens relationships. Simple gestures such as words of praise and thank-you notes can convey gratitude effectively. 

Create Your Volunteer Team Today

Effective volunteer management fosters a sense of teamwork and helps advance your mission. When organizations invest in well-structured volunteer programs and provide support to all involved, the experience becomes rewarding for everyone. 

TAKE NOTE: This article is part two of a two-part series on best practices for nonprofit organizations implementing volunteer programs. For more information and insights on volunteer management for nonprofit organizations, explore the following news articles: 

Visit The TASC Group’s website to learn more about how the team’s award winning work can help you to strengthen, support and highlight your mission within the communities you serve.

Crafting an Effective Media List for Nonprofits and Mission-Driven PR Campaigns

When you have a story to share, reaching a wider audience starts with creating a comprehensive media list. Getting your content seen by potential consumers starts with creating a media list of outlets and contacts from those outlets which cater to your target market. 

Six Steps for Creating a Great Media List

1. Define Your PR Pitch 

Start by clearly defining your PR pitch. Whether it’s an executive interview or a product announcement for your non-profit, articulate what you’re offering to the media and why it matters. A well-defined pitch is essential for capturing the attention of journalists and gaining media coverage. Pitch writing consists of persuasion, creative thinking and storytelling. If what you’re sharing is relevant to the journalist, fewer than 200 words and highly readable — think short sentences, bullet points and subheads. 

2. Develop Multiple Angles

Consider multiple angles for your pitch that align with your target media outlets and their audiences. Figure out which approach best aligns with your goals and with those of the journalists. 

3. Choose the Right Timing 

Timing is a critical aspect of successful PR outreach. Determine when you want your content to be seen by your target audience. Quick-turnaround outlets like online platforms, daily newspapers, television, and radio are ideal for immediate exposure. For evergreen content, consider pitching to magazine publications. Evaluate your options and choose the timing that best suits your story.  

4. Thoroughly Research Contacts & Outlets 

Utilize databases and search engines to identify potential media outlets. Start with broad search terms and narrow down your list as you progress. Pay attention to journalists’ beats, cadence of publication and whether they receive pitches or not. Seek assistance from a PR agency if necessary to define your media list effectively. 

5. Understand Media Roles 

Consider the roles of potential contacts within media outlets. Editors-in-chief may focus more on the business aspects of the outlet, while staff writers or assignment editors are often looking for unique stories. Include multiple contacts from one outlet to ensure comprehensive coverage. 

6. Review and Supplement Your List 

After compiling your initial list, review it for any missing outlets or contacts. Use online resources like Google or ChatGPT to identify any overlooked opportunities. Continuously refine your list to ensure it’s comprehensive and up-to-date. 

Build Your Media List Today!

By following these six steps, you can create a robust media list that will enhance your public relations campaign’s success. A carefully curated media list ensures that your content reaches the right audience, increasing your chances of securing valuable media coverage. 

For more insights and expert guidance on PR strategy and media outreach, explore relevant news articles, such as those from A Good Cause and Glue Up.If you have further questions or need assistance with your PR campaign, feel free to reach out to The TASC Group today! Learn more about how The TASC Group’s award winning expertise can help you to strengthen, support and highlight your mission within the communities you serve.

Six of the Top 2024 Trends We Will See This Year

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of trends is crucial for public relations professionals. Adapting to emerging trends ensures that our strategies, media relations efforts and storytelling remain relevant and effective. The following is a compilation of the top six trends that you should leverage to your advantage this year.

Here’s What to Look For in 2024

1. Sustainable Practices and Climate Action

Climate concern continues to be a significant trend, now with a broader impact across generations. Gen Z and Millennials remain at the forefront, prioritizing climate issues over traditional concerns. This prioritization is driving faster and more substantial emission cuts to combat carbon pollution. The younger generations are taking the lead in sustainability and climate efforts, influencing change through social media, activism and even public relations. Expect increased focus on sustainable activities, such as thrifting and repurposing clothing, to reduce textile waste. Climate content and environmental activism will continue to dominate social platforms. 

2. Evolution of Communication Platforms

As existing social media platforms reach saturation, 2024 will witness the rise of new platforms emphasizing creativity and well-being. Movements like #MakeInstagramCasualAgain reflect a shift away from perfect feeds to authentic posting. Emerging platforms will explore diverse media formats beyond photos and videos, aiming to recreate real-life experiences and genuine connections.

3. AI Integration: Transforming Industries and Communication

One of the pivotal trends shaping 2024 is the increased integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various industries, influencing communication strategies. AI is revolutionizing how businesses analyze data, automate processes and personalize customer interactions. In the PR landscape, AI-powered tools offer enhanced insights into audience behavior, enabling more targeted and effective communication strategies. From chatbots handling customer inquiries to data-driven decision-making, AI is becoming an indispensable ally for PR professionals navigating the complexities of the digital age. As AI continues to embed itself in society, it is also crucial to be aware of the challenges that are beginning to emerge

4. Advancements in Virtual Health

Building on the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine is evolving to include increased use of remote patient monitoring, digital therapeutics and wearable health tech. The focus will be on achieving quality and value by integrating in-office visits with virtual health solutions. This shift aims to improve accessibility to quality healthcare, streamline access to doctors and eliminate office wait times.

5. Redefining the Work Environment

Remote work is here to stay, with 65% of US workers expressing the belief that they should have the right to work remotely if technology and their job nature allow it. The pandemic has emphasized the efficiency of remote work, leading to a reevaluation of traditional workplace structures. Flexible work arrangements will become a requisite, with senior staff encouraging asynchronous communication over unnecessary meetings. Businesses will prioritize emotional well-being by offering wellness benefits and services, recognizing the importance of mental health in the workplace.

A Year of Change and Transformation for PR 

As we navigate the intricate landscape of 2024, these trends serve as compass points, guiding public relations professionals through the nuanced dynamics of communications and company strategies. While predictions are the starting point, the real strength lies in the agility to adapt, the foresight to anticipate and the creativity to leverage these trends to their fullest potential. By embracing these shifts, public relations professionals can not only stay ahead but actively shape the narrative of the ever-evolving digital world. The TASC Group is a public relations agency with an ear to the ground on the upcoming shifts within the industry. With a focus on nonprofit and social advocacy-based work, we aim to be ahead of the trends in order to best consult our clients. Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Communications services to discover how we can assist your organization in the ever-evolving communications space.

Using PR Tactics to Navigate Your Holiday Dinners

PR skills come in handy in every aspect of our lives. Planning a surprise party for your roommate? That requires organizational skills, logistics management and discretion. Tailoring your resume to fit the 50+ jobs you’re applying for? You’ll need research, focus and proofreading skills. Writing a memoir about your successful career as a CEO? You’ll want to ensure that you’ve got writing, messaging and top-notch storytelling skills. 

And difficult holiday dinners with that uncle you try your best to only see once a year? Well, we have some PR skills for that too. 

5 Tips and Tricks for Family Dinners

1. Define Your Talking Points – and Stick to Them 

In most interview situations, we tend to think that the interviewer will direct the conversation and there won’t be room for the interviewee to make any additional points. But keep in mind that you don’t always have to take the lead from the person questioning you – you can (within reason) discuss and direct answers to your own areas of focus. 

The question to ask yourself is this: No matter how many questions you get about your political views, what message is it that you want to get across this holiday season? Is it that you are thankful to be spending time with your children? That you’ve progressed dramatically in your career and finally landed that promotion? That you’ve made a new really good friend?  

Write out (or mentally map out) the three main things you want to share and focus on in your conversations with your friends and family during your holiday dinner – and stick to them! 

2. Know Your Audience  

When communicating a particular message, it’s critical to know your audience. Who are you trying to reach with this message? Your customers? Your donors? Your 6-year old niece? And what is your goal with these conversations?  

Depending on your intended audience and what you want to accomplish, you should be tailoring how you communicate your core messages for maximum impact. 

3. Deflect and Redirect 

No matter how much you try to change the conversation, sometimes people want to hammer a point home and you can’t easily escape it. What you can do, however, is to do your best to deflect and redirect the conversation.  

“Uncle Jim, as much as I’d love to talk about my bad breakup this year, what I really want to do is show you the new car I just bought.”  

Never answer a question you don’t want to answer – just ensure you’re using the right language to deflect and move on to other topics.  

4. Talk Less, Listen More 

This may be more a Life Pro Tip than a PR tip, but a key characteristic of successful dialogue is respectful listening. Listen to what your cousin Mary is saying before formulating a response in your head. This will allow for more organic conversation and for all parties to feel heard.  

You will also appear to be (and actually be) thoughtful in your conversations.  

5. Manage the Crisis 

So, what happens when you’re the one who ends up putting their foot in their mouth? Own it. Apologize – and mean it. Communicate to the offended party that you’ve learned your lesson and plan to actively do better. The best defense in any crisis is learning and growing from mistakes, and by openly admitting your wrongdoing you display a level of emotional maturity that your family will respect and be proud of. 

Overall, Public Relations Helps in All Areas 

In all seriousness, public relations is a skilled trade that can benefit everyone, from the individual to an entire nonprofit organization to the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation.  

The most important thing to remember is that keeping your broader goals in mind will help you keep perspective, keep your cool and let you focus on what is really important during any holiday – friends, family, food and fun.

The Anatomy of a Social Media “Riot”

By the time police arrived, Union Square was severely overcrowded. Within the park’s nine acres, thousands of young onlookers had gathered for what was supposed to be a gift giveaway hosted by Twitch-personality Kai Cenat. Drawn by the promise of free Play Stations and the chance to meet a social media celebrity, thousands of teenagers had traveled to the park. 

When the crowd, predominantly an audience of youthful teenage boys, clashed with police, things escalated quickly. In dozens of videos shared across YouTube and other social media platforms, police collar the young attendees. One video captures a police officer slamming a teenage boy through a taxi cab’s back window. By the end of the day, several people were seriously injured, 60+ people were arrested and Union Square Park sustained over $55,000 in property damage. Cenat, the influencer who had sparked the gathering with posts made on Twitch days before, was charged by police with “unlawful gathering” and “inciting a riot.”

As police investigate this incident further and Cenat faces a court date, it’s worth considering the broader context of social media relationships and the unpredictable power of influencers to catalyze mass action in physical reality. In an age defined by Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and dozens of other social networks, what role do social media personalities have in driving people to action? What can happen when an influencer with a cult following asks their followers to do something? To answer the latter, we must first understand the phenomena known as parasocial relationships. 

Defined as “a one-sided relationship where one person creates an emotional attachment and invests their time and energy, while the other party doesn’t know of the other person’s existence,” parasocial relationships are a hallmark of social media users, especially younger users post-pandemic.

In a recent study by Wellesley College’s Youth Media and Well-Being Research Lab, researchers found that 90 percent of kids have social media by the time they turn 12 (7th grade for context). With the advent of coronavirus, lockdown and the implementation of remote learning in 2020, millions of teenagers leaned harder on social media to maintain physically distanced relationships and monitor ever-evolving news. In the process, many gravitated to familiar faces, screentime soared and the popularity of specialized, social media personalities rose with it. 

These relationships are built on constant content, frequent user interaction and intensely personal exchanges occurring several times a day. Intimacy is key. 

Most influencers cultivate a following over time, then use these followers to secure lucrative brand deals and partnerships. While encouraging your fans to buy a product or use a service is commonplace, the power of influencers to mobilize fans in real life beyond just buying a product, to encourage them to go somewhere and do something, is still unpredictable and relatively immeasurable.

In the case of Cenat, he unwittingly baited followers to do something dangerous. What was meant to be a good time, short giveaway and brief interaction, became something much more serious. Another interesting element here, the gathering was sparked by a relatively small medium.

If you’re unfamiliar with Twitch, it’s a social media platform best known for live-streaming events, including video game tournaments and product reviews. The platform hosts approximately 140M active monthly users. For context, that’s 1/3 of X’s (formerly Twitter) monthly audience, less than 1/4 of Tiktok’s and barely 1/20 of Meta’s. Cenat, the influencer at the heart of this scandal, is one of Twitch’s most followed creators. To date, he has over 6.5M subscribers and he posts content daily. 

This “riot” resulted from a perfect storm of circumstances. Post-pandemic teens, a diligently followed social media personality, the rise of parasocial relationships, the promise of a free, coveted product, a general lack of awareness about and unpredictability of calls to action on social media – these all melded together to create a moment New York City was unprepared for, yet one we can learn from. As communicators who often partner with influencers like Cenat or work with clients including city departments or public policymakers, we must be prepared. 

It is important that we understand how to predict, understand and measure the power these online figures have to mobilize their followers. Frankly, we must acknowledge this power exists in the first place. Most importantly, we must work towards ensuring and encouraging online personalities to use their influence for good. 

The Surge of ‘Woke-Washing’ in the Advertising Landscape 

Last month New Yorkers found themselves immersed in a thought-provoking ad campaign that’s been taking over subway stations throughout Manhattan. Dove, renowned for its commitment to challenging conventional beauty standards, is at the forefront of this advertising endeavor with its “The Pits of New York” and #FreeThePits campaign, strategically launched just in time for the fashion week.  

The campaign’s underlying message intended to resonate with women, shedding light on the impact of underarm insecurities, particularly in relation to clothing choices and social activities. Dove’s 2022 Underarm Confidence Survey further reveals a reality that a significant number of women feel subjected to judgment based on their underarms. Society’s fixation on promoting an ‘ideal’ underarm—one that’s hairless, smooth, odorless and evenly toned—adds to this issue. 

However, despite campaigns like Dove’s seemingly heralding a positive shift in today’s advertising landscape, they have not been exempt from controversy. A notable instance was their 2017 Facebook ad for body wash, which depicted a Black woman removing her shirt to reveal a white woman. This ad drew immediate criticism from thousands of viewers who perceived it as having racist undertones. While Dove promptly responded and issued an apology on social media, the incident raised concerns about their approval procedures and whether a diverse group of individuals had the opportunity to review the ad before it went live. 

PR practitioners, well-acquainted with the challenges of managing public perception, have found themselves at the forefront of these debates when things go awry. A recent case in point is Bud Light, which faced a barrage of criticism due to its association with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. In an attempt to salvage its image, the brand resorted to using a meme on social media, ironically mocking its own handling of the controversy. This approach backfired, drawing criticism from both PR experts and consumers alike. It further solidified the perception that the brand was mishandling the situation and jeopardizing its relationships with its customer base and the LGBTQ+ community. Bud Light’s experience is far from unique in the realm of poorly executed campaigns. The infamous 2017 Pepsi commercial featuring Kendall Jenner is another example of a brand missing the mark on social activism.  

Dove’s recent campaigns, although well-intentioned, underscore the importance of scrutiny and diverse perspectives. In today’s age of “woke-washing,” brands face the challenge of finding the right balance between impactful messaging and avoiding harm. PR practitioners play a pivotal role in guiding these brands toward authentic connections with their audiences. In this era of heightened social awareness, the lessons drawn from both successful and misguided campaigns serve as valuable guidance for advertisers aiming to create a positive impact. 

How #Sponcon Fits into the Relatable-Era of Social Media

Since its inception, social media has been evolving from a network of family and friends sharing their day-to-day lives to a platform where even companies are personalities and get seemingly organic promotion for their products through influencers. Influencers, in fact, have amassed so many followers through their relatability, that their opinions of a product can significantly boost sales. While their opinions and reviews may sometimes be genuine, their Internet celebrity stardom has led companies to pay these influencers to advertise their products – a phenomenon called “sponcon.”  

What Is Sponcon? 

Sponcon is defined as sponsored content or media exchanged for a free product or monetary value. According to the Influencer Orchestration Network, 32% of consumers believe influencer marketing feels more relatable than company advertisements. The connection between influencers and their audiences is what makes sponcon great for companies, but does influencers’ rise in fame affect how relatable they are? Lately, audiences have been engaging more with influencers who talk about their struggles and daily lives rather than influencers who eat at expensive restaurants and showcase luxury products.

The Titus sisters are a prime example of this trend. Kirsten Titus went viral this past year for talking about entertaining life stories while cutting up fruit in Hawaii. Meanwhile, her younger sister, Erika Titus, went viral for her love of K-pop bands and for trying different makeup styles. Their TikTok videos had many comments applauding the sisters for being relatable and even saying that the videos made them feel like they were on FaceTime with friends. This relatability is exactly what allows audiences to feel like they can trust these influencers’ opinions on brands. 

What Do Influencers Get for Being So Successful?  

As influencers get more and more followers, however, they start to make more money than the average person and get to go to luxury experiences – essentially becoming overnight celebrities. Due to this, there has been a wave of relatable influencers being able to participate on all-expense paid brand trips or receive free packages of products to subtly advertise to their viewers. 

Last year, with a combined following of over 11 million, the Titus sisters were able to go on an all-expense paid trip to Mexico for an Amazon event with other influencers.  This culmination of their success, however, was met with some criticism from their audience who felt the sisters were undeserving of the trip because it was “another example of rich people getting things for free” and some even pointed out the contrast between their free luxury trip and the many underpaid workers at Amazon. Despite the criticism from their audiences, the negative comments were vastly outnumbered by positive comments from people who loved the content the sisters created on their trip. While the sisters may have tarnished their relationships with some of their audience, they still continue to grow in popularity as seen by their increasing follower count. 

How Can Sponcon and Influencers Benefit Companies? 

While sponcon can create some mistrust between influencers and their audiences, influencers who have built a strong relationship with their audiences before accepting sponcon offers from companies can ultimately benefit in a social and financial way. Companies should thoroughly research the influencers they decide to partner with in order to produce sponcon that will benefit both the company and the influencer. If it is a thoughtful collaboration the audience will recognize the authenticity and will continue to support the company and brand. 

Companies will need to look at the general opinions of the content influencers produce and evaluate their follower count in order to gain an understanding of how well their audience might receive sponcon. With a balanced combination of generally positive publicity and high follower numbers, sponcon can be a beneficial opportunity for the social media influencers, their audiences and the company.

At The TASC Group, we know the impact of good storytelling. We’ve seen the way that strong messaging and personal stories can propel nonprofit organizations and social changemakers to an international audience. To learn more about some of our team’s past projects, take a look at some of our major case studies.

Rebuilding Public Trust: The Vital Role of PR Professionals in a Skeptical News Landscape

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and a relentless surge of information, public trust in news organizations has reached an all-time low. The pervasive influence of social media, coupled with a barrage of misinformation, has fueled skepticism among audiences, leading to a growing sense of mistrust in traditional news outlets. As this crisis of credibility deepens, the role of public relations professionals and the communications industry becomes increasingly pivotal in restoring faith in the media landscape. 

Understanding Modern Day Media

1. Democratization of Information

The advent of digital platforms has democratized information dissemination, allowing for a plethora of voices to be heard. However, it has also given rise to the spread of unverified and sensationalized content that blurs the lines between facts and falsehoods. This information overload has left the public grappling with uncertainty and skepticism and rebuilding trust has become imperative. A recent study by the Gallup and Knight Foundation, “American Views 2022: Part 2,” sheds light on the state of public mistrust in news organizations. The study found that over 50 percent of respondents reject the statement that “national news organizations do not intend to mislead.” Only a quarter of respondents supported this statement. In other words, Americans perceive their news organizations as deceptive.  

2. Ethical Storytelling

At the forefront of this battle for credibility stand public relations professionals and the communications industry. As communications experts, we bridge the gap between news organizations and their audiences. By fostering transparent and authentic relationships with reporters, public relations practitioners can pave the way for open communication and credible reporting. 

Ethical storytelling is the “sharing of narratives committed to honesty, accuracy and empathy, with an awareness of their potential impact on people’s lives.” This is one key strategy that public relations practitioners can collectively employ to do our part in ensuring that truthful and honest information remains centered in society. By embracing the principles of ethical storytelling in our work—transparency, accuracy, empathy and responsibility—professionals in public relations and the wider communications sector can play a role in helping journalists and news organizations restore public trust in them and the information they provide through unbiased, comprehensive coverage that contributes to a more informed and engaged society. 

3. PR Professionals’ Crucial Role in The Information Overload Era

Public relations professionals can champion ethical storytelling by urging news organizations to focus on narratives that represent reality, are based on facts and resonate with the public’s values and concerns. We can offer journalists first-person perspectives from a variety of sources to provide holistic stories, call out the significance of transparent and ethical communication within our industry and correct situations where the media provides false information or deliberately confuses the public with messages that are detrimental or lack factual basis. 

In Closing

By promoting ethical storytelling and approaching our work with empathy and open-mindedness, news outlets will connect with their audiences on a deeper level based on trust. The decline in public trust in news organizations is a complex issue that demands immediate attention. As we navigate this era of information overload, the partnership between news organizations and PR practitioners will be the cornerstone of restoring faith in the fourth estate.

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