Crafting Effective Outreach Strategies for Nonprofits

In today’s competitive nonprofit landscape, developing a robust community outreach strategy is essential for nonprofit organizations aiming to maximize impact and engagement

Why Is It Important to Have a Community Outreach Strategy for Nonprofits?

A well-defined community outreach strategy serves as the backbone of nonprofit operations and public relations strategies by facilitating deeper connections with stakeholders, raising awareness about causes and mobilizing support for organizations. It enables nonprofits to extend their reach, amplify their message and ultimately drive positive change within their communities. 


Developing a Community Outreach Strategy

To build an effective outreach strategy for your nonprofit, follow these key steps:

  1. Define Your Objectives: Clarify specific goals for outreach efforts, whether it’s increasing donor engagement, promoting an upcoming event or advocating for a cause.
  2. Identify Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s interests, and communication preferences to tailor your outreach messages effectively. By identifying your audiences, you can tailor an in-depth media relations strategy to better reach your audience. 
  3. Craft Compelling Messages: Develop clear and compelling messages that resonate with your audience and align with your nonprofit’s mission and values. This messaging should appear not only on organizational materials but also used across social media platforms and pitches to journalists. It is also important to ensure all team members are knowledgeable about messaging to ensure consistency across the organization. 
  4. Choose the Right Channels: Select appropriate communication channels such as social media platforms, email newsletters, community events, and partnerships to reach and engage your audience effectively. 
  5. Create a Timeline: Outline a timeline for outreach activities, including key milestones, deadlines and evaluation points to track progress and adjust strategies as needed. Oftentimes, PR consultants develop an in-depth public relations strategy that encompasses community outreach tactics. 

What to Avoid

In building your outreach strategy, avoid common pitfalls such as:

  • Lack of Consistency: Inconsistent messaging or irregular outreach efforts can diminish impact and confuse your audience.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Failing to listen to audience feedback or adapt strategies based on insights can hinder outreach effectiveness.
  • Overlooking Measurement: Neglecting to measure the success of outreach initiatives can prevent your organization from learning and improving over time.
  • Neglecting to Ask for Help: Media relations and community outreach is a craft that many experts have worked to master over the years. Companies have fallen short of effective communications and outreach strategies by failing to invest in consultants. By growing your communications team, you are growing your business and actively preventing potential PR nightmares

Need Help? Phone a Friend!

Consider partnering with a PR agency specializing in nonprofit outreach strategy to enhance your efforts and thought leadership platforms. Professional agencies offer expertise in crafting tailored strategies, managing crises effectively and enhancing brand reputation, ensuring your nonprofit achieves its outreach goals with maximum impact.

Ready to Build Your Community? 

At The TASC Group, we specialize in providing comprehensive PR services tailored for nonprofits. With a focus on strategic communication, crisis management, and brand reputation, we empower nonprofits to navigate the complexities of public relations effectively.

Contact The TASC Group today to explore how our PR services can support your organization in building and executing a successful outreach strategy aligned with your mission and values.


Nonprofit vs. For-Profit PR: Key Differences and How to Adapt Your Public Relations Strategy for Both

Public relations (PR) plays a critical role in shaping the reputation and success of any organization. While both nonprofit and for-profit organizations utilize PR strategies, their approaches and goals can differ significantly. An effective public relations strategy will adapt the objectives to further each type of organization’s public image.


What Is a Nonprofit Organization?

A nonprofit organization is an entity that operates for a social, educational, charitable or cultural mission rather than for profit. These organizations rely on community support while reinvesting any surplus funds back into their cause rather than distributing them to shareholders or owners. Examples include charities, foundations and advocacy groups.

What Is a For-Profit Organization?

A for-profit organization is a business that aims to generate profit for its owners or shareholders. These entities focus on commercial activities, sales and services for financial gain. Examples include corporations, small businesses and startups.

Nonprofit vs. For-Profit PR: Key Differences

Mission-Driven Messaging

  • Nonprofit PR: Emphasizes the organization’s mission, values and impact on the community. The primary goal is to raise awareness, attract volunteers and secure donations to support the cause.
  • For-Profit PR: Focuses on promoting products or services to generate sales and profit. The messaging often highlights innovation, quality and customer satisfaction.

Audience Engagement

  • Nonprofit PR: Engages with a diverse audience including donors, volunteers, beneficiaries and the general public. Building trust and emotional connections is crucial. This can be done through media relations, newsletters, social media management, etc. 
  • For-Profit PR: Targets customers, investors and industry partners. The engagement strategy revolves around brand loyalty, customer retention and market share.

Crisis Management

Resource Allocation

Storytelling and Content

Choosing PR Agency for Nonprofit vs For-Profit Organizations

Factors to Consider for Nonprofit Organizations

Factors to Consider for For-Profit Organizations

  • Industry Expertise: Select an agency with experience in your specific industry to leverage their knowledge and connections.
  • Comprehensive Services: Ensure the agency provides a wide range of PR services, from media relations, media training and crisis management.
  • Focus on ROI: Look for an agency that emphasizes measurable results and can demonstrate a clear return on investment.

Looking for PR Support? 

Whether you’re a nonprofit organization looking to amplify your mission or a for-profit business aiming to enhance your brand reputation and/or the thought leadership of your executive team, TASC offers tailored PR solutions to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals through strategic public relations.

About The TASC Group

The TASC Group is a leading public relations firm dedicated to supporting both nonprofit and for-profit organizations. With expertise in crisis management, media relations, media training, storytelling and strategic PR planning, TASC helps clients navigate the complexities of public relations and maintain their brand reputation. Our mission is to empower organizations to tell their stories effectively and build lasting relationships with their communities.


What to Watch Out for When Choosing The Right PR Firm

Selecting the right public relations firm is crucial for any organization looking to build and maintain a strong public image and an online reputation. When you begin your search for a PR firm, it is important to know what to look for and what to avoid. What are the essentials of choosing a PR firm, and how do you ensure the agency aligns with your needs and goals?

What Does a PR Firm Do?

A PR firm specializes in managing the public image and communications of an organization. This includes media relations, crisis management, community outreach and strategic planning to enhance brand reputation and engagement.


Why Do Organizations Turn to PR Firms?

Organizations turn to PR firms to:

Overview of Common Services That Organizations Need

1. Media Relations

PR firms help secure long-lasting relationships with the media by pitching your story, crafting press releases, managing events and enhancing your overall social media presence. This also includes expertly equipping your internal team with tools on how to speak with the media

2. Crisis Management

Many organizations rely on PR experts to develop crisis communications strategies, which can include handling negative publicity and mitigating damage to the brand.

3. Content Creation

PR consultants are experts in developing impactful messaging that resonates with an organization’s target audience. This includes creating compelling content for various platforms to ensure the messaging is consistently engaged with and performing well online. 

4. Strategic Planning

A key tactic to ensure PR success is developing a long-term PR strategy that is aligned with the goals of the organization and leadership team. This requires in-depth market and audience research. 

What to Look for in A PR Firm

The vetting process is essential when looking for the right PR firm. How do you know the agency and/or consultant is the right fit? 

Make sure the PR firm has a range of services that suit your needs while aligning with your organization’s values and offering the personalized attention needed to accomplish your goals. 

What Questions Should You Ask? 

  1. What is your experience in our industry?
  2. Can you provide case studies or references from similar clients?
  3. What is your approach to crisis management?
  4. How do you measure the success of your PR campaigns?
  5. What will be the roles and responsibilities of the team working with us?
  6. What is your pricing structure?

Potential Red and Green Flags: What to Watch Out for

When choosing a PR firm, be cautious of vague and unclear communication. A firm should be transparent about how the public relations space works and outline its processes in a way that is easy to understand. This clarity ensures they can effectively partner with your organization.

Equally important is the firm’s flexibility in its strategies. Public relations is not a one-size-fits-all field, and a rigid approach is a red flag. The best PR firms are adaptable, tailoring their methods to fit the unique needs of your organization to deliver optimal results.

For nonprofit organizations, consider firms with experience in nonprofit public relations and a strong understanding of your cause and mission. For-profit organizations should look for firms that have demonstrated success in boosting brand reputation and handling crisis management

Did You Make a Good Choice? Evaluating the Success of Your PR Firm

  • Achievement of Goals: Assess whether the PR firm has met the objectives outlined at the beginning of your partnership.
  • Media Coverage: Review the quality and quantity of media coverage generated.
  • Public Engagement: Measure increases in public engagement and brand sentiment.
  • Crisis Management: Evaluate how effectively the firm handled any crises and implement preventative measures to avoid future crises. 

Are You Ready to Dive Into the World of PR?

Choosing the right PR firm can make a significant difference in your organization’s public image and success. If you need expert guidance and a tailored approach, contact TASC today to learn how we can support your PR needs.

The TASC Group is a leading public relations firm dedicated to helping organizations, both nonprofit and for-profit, navigate the complexities of public relations. With a focus on crisis management, media relations, and strategic PR planning, TASC supports clients to achieve their communication goals and build lasting relationships with their audiences.


PR For Nonprofits: Why PR is Crucial for Mission-Driven Organizations

PR helps elevate, define and promote a nonprofit organization, its mission and its leadership through earned placements in the media, recognitions via awards and speaking opportunities and more. A good PR and communications strategy builds credibility for a nonprofit, introduces critical stakeholders to its work, positions it as a leader in its space and allows it to magnify its impact by showcasing how the issues it tackles can be handled on a national and international scale. 

For nonprofits, public relations can often be an afterthought. After all, their focus is on serving their communities and tackling pressing issues above all else. However a thoughtful and strategic PR and communications plan can increase capacity, open doors to legislative change, lead to new sources of funding, build new partnerships and much more – in essence investing in communications allows nonprofits to reach farther and do more. 

Why Is It Crucial for Nonprofits to Have a PR Strategy?

Too many nonprofits are doing incredible work in anonymity. It’s understandable – nonprofits exist to do the work, not to talk about the work. But a good PR and communications strategy for a nonprofit doesn’t take away from an organization’s capacity for service; it expands its ability to serve and enables it to grow. 

Gaining positive media attention, getting in front of its core audiences and solidifying a reputation within its community can launch a nonprofit toward financial success, help it build relationships with local legislators and can help it reach more people in need of its services. 

Without a proactive PR strategy in place, a nonprofit will be defined by others: those it serves, those that hear about it in passing or those that compete with it for funding. Being proactive about reputation building allows an organization to showcase the work it’s doing, own its core issue area and amplify its impact. 

How Is PR for Nonprofits Different?

Because of their deep connection to the communities they serve and their unique approach to service, every nonprofit has a story to tell and a point of view deserving of attention. Nonprofits don’t need to sell a product, rather they need to communicate an idea, a solution or an approach to making the world a better place. 

Nonprofits are at the forefront of the most pressing issues facing our society. From closing education gaps to housing needs to health disparities and beyond, nonprofits have a pulse on the social issues affecting the most vulnerable communities. This means they have unique and valuable insight that deserves to be elevated through PR.  

In this work, it’s critical to elevate both the organization’s programmatic work and its thought leadership: how it tackles an issue, why that issue is deserving of attention and how others can work with them to change their community for the better. These must be treated as the life-saving and society-changing perspectives they are, and that requires a strategic approach to nonprofit public relations. 

Aspects of a Nonprofit’s PR Strategy

PR for nonprofits starts with storytelling. What does the nonprofit do? Why and how does the nonprofit do it? And critically, why is this issue so important today? 

From there that story needs to be shaped, shared and protected. This requires a targeted approach to:

No nonprofit is the same as another. Each has its own unique needs. A good public relations and communications strategy adjusts accordingly and maximizes what the organization has to work with. 

Why Work with An Agency for Nonprofit PR

Agencies, especially those specialized in nonprofit public relations, are able to build capacity for nonprofit teams. By working with outside specialists that understand the media landscape, how to shape a story, how to pitch reporters and how to build a lasting reputation for a nonprofit, mission-driven organizations can expand their reach and get in front of those that need to know about them. 

With the additional hands and decades of experience PR agencies bring, a nonprofit can rise above the noise of the day to day and start leading on the issues that matter on a local and national level. 

PR Elevates Nonprofit

PR may feel like an add-on for a nonprofit where there’s little extra budget to spare, but in reality it can be the tool that takes a nonprofit to the next level. Investing early in a communications strategy sets up an organization for long term success, allows it to define itself before others define it and introduces it to critical audiences to expand its reach, capacity, funding and reputation.  

If you’re considering public relations services for nonprofits and mission-driven organizations, reach out to The TASC Group. 

The Importance of Nonprofit Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for nonprofits to ignite change, rally community support and take their organization to the next level. But what exactly is nonprofit storytelling, and how can organizations leverage its potency? 

What Is Nonprofit Storytelling?

At its core, nonprofit storytelling is the art of weaving narratives that embody the essence of an organization’s mission, values and impact. It transcends mere storytelling; it’s about inspiring action and fostering a sense of community around a shared cause.

How Can Nonprofits Use Storytelling? 

Nonprofits wield storytelling as a catalyst for change, using it to amplify their voices, garner support and drive engagement. From showcasing the transformative journeys of beneficiaries to sharing the passion of dedicated volunteers, storytelling breathes life into the noble endeavors of nonprofits.

Why Is Narrative Development for Nonprofits important? 

The essence of nonprofit storytelling lies in its ability to humanize complex issues, evoking empathy and understanding. By crafting narratives that resonate with their audience, nonprofits can forge deeper connections, rallying support for their cause and fostering long-term engagement.

Compelling Storytelling Helps to Promote Your Cause 

Compelling storytelling serves as the cornerstone of effective advocacy, enabling nonprofits to captivate audiences and inspire action. Whether through emotive testimonials, impactful visuals or immersive multimedia, compelling storytelling has the power to spark movements and drive change.

How to Develop an Effective Storytelling Strategy

From conception to dissemination, crafting a robust storytelling strategy is essential for nonprofits seeking to maximize their impact. By delineating key messaging, identifying target audiences and selecting appropriate channels, organizations can ensure their narratives resonate far and wide. 

6 steps to consider: 

1. Define Your Goals and Objectives

Before diving into crafting your storytelling strategy, it’s crucial to define clear goals and objectives. Ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with our storytelling efforts? Whether it’s raising awareness, driving donations, or inspiring action, having a clear understanding of your objectives will guide the rest of your strategy.

2. Know Your Audience

Take the time to research and segment your audience demographics, interests, and preferences. This will help you tailor your messaging to resonate with different groups and ensure maximum impact.

3. Craft Compelling Narratives

Once you’ve identified your goals and audience, it’s time to craft compelling narratives that evoke emotion and drive engagement. Your stories should be authentic, and relatable, and highlight the human impact of your organization’s work. 

4. Select the Right Channels

Consider where your audience spends their time online and offline, whether it’s social media platforms, email newsletters, your website, or traditional media outlets. 

5. Create a Content Calendar

To ensure consistency and maximize reach, develop a content calendar outlining when and where you’ll share your stories. This calendar should align with key events, campaigns, or milestones relevant to your organization. By planning ahead, you can maintain a steady stream of content that keeps your audience engaged and connected to your cause.

6. Measure Success

Track metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions to gauge the effectiveness of your strategy. Use these insights to refine your approach, iterate on your messaging, and continue to evolve your storytelling strategy over time.

Nonprofit Storytelling Mistakes to Avoid

Alternatively, poor storytelling can lead to crisis and PR backlash and have far-reaching consequences on the reputation of an organization. By sidestepping common PR pitfalls such as inconsistency, insensitivity, or misalignment with organizational values, nonprofits can safeguard their credibility and impact.

Questions you should ask

When developing a PR strategy, organizations should ask themselves a few questions to ensure they avoid common PR mistakes: 

  1. Does your storytelling lack authenticity? 
  2. Are you considering the correct audience? 
  3. Are you overlooking the power of visuals? Of testimonials? 
  4. Are you lacking consistency in your messaging and overall brand communications?

These are just a few questions that help organizations avoid common pitfalls that can lead to larger consequences down the road. 

Ready to Share Your Story? 

Are you ready to form a compelling narrative to the public about your mission? Reach out to us today and unlock the power of storytelling to drive change, inspire action and make a lasting impact.

About The TASC Group

The TASC Group is a leading public relations firm dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed. With a focus on mission-driven PR, we provide strategic communication services to elevate your organization’s impact. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your nonprofit’s PR needs.

How to Build an Effective Public Relations Strategy for Nonprofits

In today’s digital world, building an effective public relations strategy for nonprofits is more important than ever. With limited budgets and resources, nonprofits must still leverage public relations to raise awareness, promote their cause and manage their reputation. Here’s how to create a mission-driven PR plan that achieves these goals.

What Is a PR strategy?

A public relations strategy is a comprehensive plan designed to manage an organization’s communication with its audiences. It involves crafting messages, identifying target audiences and selecting the appropriate channels to convey the organization’s mission and values. For nonprofits, an effective PR strategy is essential to raise awareness and drive engagement with their cause.

PR Strategy for Nonprofits

Nonprofit public relations focuses on communicating the organization’s mission, values, programs and executive thought leadership to the public. This involves storytelling, media relations, social media engagement and more. A strong PR strategy for nonprofits helps to build credibility, foster trust and attract support from donors, volunteers and partners.

How Nonprofits Can And Should Use PR

Public relations strategies are crucial for nonprofits because they help build a positive image and foster relationships with the community. By using public relations, nonprofits can:

Challenges Nonprofits Face With PR Strategies

Nonprofits often face unique challenges when it comes to public relations. Given their mission-driven nature and limited resources, they need a careful and well-thought-out communication plan. Poor PR can lead to backlash, undermining the organization’s efforts. 

How to Build an Effective PR Strategy for Nonprofit Organizations

Creating a successful PR strategy for nonprofits involves several steps:

1. Identify organizational goals and how PR can directly support

Your PR strategy should ladder up to your organizational goals. First, identify what those goals are and base your PR strategy around them.

2. Identify Key Audience

Make clear the demographics your organization wants to target and why. Knowing your audience is key to successfully executing a communications strategy. 

3. Flesh out Tactics and Timeline

Determine which PR tactics will best execute your goals, whether that’s social media, earned media, paid media, thought leadership, events, etc. Create a dated plan for when you will execute these tactics and how. 

4. Create Messaging and Storytelling

Develop clear, compelling messages about your campaign and/or organization, using storytelling to highlight the impact of your work and resonate with audiences.

5. Lead Media Training

Identify your spokespeople and conduct media training sessions to help them practice effective communication during media interviews. 

What to Avoid

Avoid these common pitfalls in nonprofit public relations:

  • Inconsistent messaging: Ensure all communications are consistent and aligned with your mission, programs, values and long-term goals. Concise and clear messaging is crucial for anybody to understand what you do and why. Without clear language, your message will get lost.
  • Minimal internal communication or information sharing: A good earned media strategy depends on whether PR has enough information to promote. Ensuring your nonprofit communicates internally about programs, upcoming events, participant testimonials, case studies and other happenings on the ground with leadership and the PR team. 
  • Lack of preparation: Always be prepared for potential crises and have a plan in place. Not having internal policies to address any kind of employee, participant or volunteer situation may lead to a PR crisis down the line. Ensure your policies are buttoned up and have a general communication crisis response plan in place.

Setting Objectives and Measuring Results

Set clear objectives for your PR efforts and measure your results to ensure your strategy is effective. Track KPIs and metrics such as media coverage, impressions, syndications, social media engagement and donor inquiries to gauge your success.

Who to Trust

When it comes to nonprofit public relations, professional help can be invaluable. Experienced PR firms can provide the expertise and resources needed to create and execute a successful PR strategy.

The Importance of Expert Support

While internal teams may be passionate about the mission, professional PR firms bring specialized knowledge and experience. They can offer strategic insights, crisis management skills and media relationships that are crucial for effective public relations. External teams have decades of experience working with other nonprofit clients. 

Building an effective public relations strategy for nonprofits is essential to raise awareness, engage the community, and manage crises. For expert guidance, get in touch with The TASC Group. Our experienced team specializes in nonprofit PR, helping you amplify your cause and achieve your mission.

About The TASC Group

The TASC Group is a leading public relations firm dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed. With a focus on mission-driven PR, we provide strategic communication services to elevate your organization’s impact. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your nonprofit’s PR needs.

PR 101: What Is PR and Why Is It Important?

Public relations (PR) stands as a pivotal component of reputation management, employing various communication strategies to nurture trust and foster positive relationships. It crafts compelling narratives, engages stakeholders, and upholds transparency within today’s interconnected environment. For organizations and companies, embracing PR is imperative as it not only safeguards against crises but also amplifies the showcase of core values and leadership. Prioritizing PR empowers entities to shape public perceptions, instill trust, and fortify their foothold in a dynamic and competitive marketplace.

The Basics defines public relations as “the professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a company or other organization or a famous person.” There are several factors that go into cultivating a favorable image and maintaining a positive reputation for your client. Communicating effectively and efficiently with your client(s), colleagues and the media prevents mixed messaging. 

What Does PR Entail 


Storytelling is the backbone of public relations. In PR, professionals create compelling narratives and craft messaging that most effectively communicates the client’s mission. Through these narratives, clients are introduced to the media with the aim of securing coverage in various publications. The goal is to establish strong relationships between PR professionals and members of the media, so that the client’s story can continuously be told whenever relevant. 

Crisis Communications 

The need for a crisis communications consultant can stem from various sources: legal disclosures, involvement in public scandals, or the circulation of damaging misinformation. During such instances, a proficient PR team becomes crucial. They navigate these crises by: 

  • Crafting press releases and statements to clarify any misconceptions about the company. 
  • Creating a comprehensive Q&A guide to assist company spokespeople in addressing tough questions from the media. 
  • Engaging with all relevant stakeholders, including investors, often within a legal context. 

Why Is PR important? 

There is an endless list of why PR is important for a company or individual.  

1. Establishing a Shield of Protection

PR is the bulwark that shields companies and individuals from potential crises. It creates a robust defense mechanism, preserving reputation and credibility even in challenging times. 

2. Dedicated Advocacy

Having a PR team means having a consistent advocate. They constantly look out for your best interests, offering guidance and support to navigate through various situations effectively. 

3. Strategic Partnership

PR professionals are more than advisors; they’re strategic partners. They collaborate closely, offering insights and expertise to refine ideas and shape effective strategies tailored to specific goals. 

4. Mastering the Art of Storytelling

A core competency of PR lies in crafting compelling narratives. They possess the knack for storytelling, ensuring your brand’s message resonates powerfully with the intended audience and garners successful media attention. 

5. Campaign and Event Execution

When specific events or campaigns play a role in your strategy, PR professionals excel in planning and execution. They orchestrate events flawlessly, ensuring that they align seamlessly with your brand’s objectives, further enhancing visibility and engagement. 

Interested in Diving Into the World of PR? 

PR is the cornerstone for success, serving as a multi-faceted tool that provides protection, advocacy, strategic guidance, impactful storytelling, and event management. These elements collectively contribute to building and maintaining a strong and favorable public image to maximize an organization’s reach.  TASC uses these PR strategies to help organizations generate institutional and community support. By establishing thought leadership and attracting media attention both nationally and locally, our agency helps elevate your mission and reach target audiences. Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Communications services to discover how we can assist in amplifying your organization’s mission.

When You Should Call Your Lawyer and When You Should Call Your PR Firm

Who should you call – your lawyer or your PR firm?  

PR and legal teams typically have a symbiotic relationship with each other, often working together to support a client when there is a pending issue that involves both aspects, such as a corporate merger deal with investor relations impacts or a civil trial that has caught the public eye.  

At times, PR firms and law firms will even recommend each other to clients when there is a pressing need for their respective services. 

That said, at the very start of a crisis or even just a development that involves both legal and PR aspects, it can be tricky for clients to determine who they should contact for which matters and why and in what order.  

The Most Important Rule: If You’re in Legal Trouble or About to Be, Call Your Lawyer First

If you are arrested, about to be or even feel you may be about to/have crossed a legal boundary, please connect with your lawyer before talking to anybody else.  

The most important reason is that, unlike your relationship with a PR professional (normally), communication between you and your lawyer is protected and completely confidential under attorney-client privilege. This is right in line with the fact that you have a 5th Amendment right to be silent and not engage in self-incrimination. Your constitutional privileges are precious and valuable, so take advantage of them!  

If you speak to your PR professional before an attorney, your correspondence with them will not be confidential under the law, which could be damaging to your case, and your PR team may encounter their own legal liability. 

How Can You Still Talk to Your PR Team Freely If You Are in Legal Trouble? 

Fortunately, there is a way for your PR team to be involved if you face legal issues. Your designated legal team should be able to formally ‘hire’ your PR team on your behalf and incorporate their cost/retainer into your regular legal bill.  

Through this, your conversations with your PR team will fall under attorney-client privilege and your chosen teams should be able to work together to balance and harmonize the PR strategy with the legal strategy.    

When the PR team is formally hired by your lawyer, you should check with your lawyer on which types of correspondences (such as email, phone, text) fall under privilege and what conditions need to be applied (such as counsel being cc’d on each email to your PR counsel and vice versa). 

Don’t Know The Right Lawyer to Talk to? Try Your PR team!  

While you should be careful how specifically you describe your prospective legal dilemma to a PR professional who is not currently under attorney-client privilege, savvy PR firms well versed in crisis communications like The TASC Group often work hand-in-hand with law firms to connect clients with both PR and legal counsel.  

A quality firm should be able to point you in the direction of or, even better, formally introduce you to proper counsel for the legal matter you are dealing with. 

To learn more about The TASC Group’s work, see our PR and Communication services.

When Bad Things Happen to Good Brands

When Warren Beatty misread the Academy Award for Best Picture winner as La La Land at the 2017 Academy Awards (the winner was actually Moonlight) the gaffe quickly became one of the hottest topics in the public relations and media worlds. It led the front pages of the New York Daily News and New York Post and was covered ferociously by media outlets from TMZ to The Hollywood Reporter. 

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the renowned accounting firm that for 83 years had managed voting for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was responsible for the evening’s historic mix-up, faced a major PR crisis for its brand and public reputation. For an institution built on a reputation of accuracy and integrity, the La La Land gaffe compromised both assets to a global audience of 32.9M viewers.  

In our crisis management experience for a variety of clients, there are several clear steps companies must take to come out on the other side of a crisis like this one.    

A Crisis PR Playbook

Step One: Immediately Take Responsibility for The Error 

PwC’s response to the crisis was swift – the most critical factor in handling crisis situations. They immediately released a statement taking full responsibility for the error and assuring the public that the Academy, presenters and host were not at fault for the mistake. This not only helped cap the bleeding, so to speak, but also served to preserve the reputation of the Academy and its brand – and ultimately PwC’s relationship with them, which the firm was invested in maintaining.  

Step Two: Distance The Brand from The Mistake 

PwC’s well-crafted statement after the gaffe attached the blame to one accountant, Brian Cullinan, and singled him out for not following the firm’s established protocols – illustrating that they held their employees and their work to the highest standards. This deliberate wording served to separate the larger brand of the firm from the error. In subsequent interviews with the media, PwC representatives called the mistake a result of “human error,” reinforcing that this mistake was made by one individual and affirming that PwC’s reputation for accuracy has not been compromised as a whole.  

Additionally, PwC prevented the accountant responsible for the error from speaking publicly. This allowed them to both control the message and reiterate that the accountant at fault did not speak for or represent the brand.  

Step Three: Keep on Keeping on

One of the key steps to repairing a brand’s public image is to draw from the depth of the company’s reputation and affirm it through the next steps they take as a company. After a company in crisis has taken responsibility and worked to smooth over brand issues, the next step is to get back to business. Rather than lingering on the obvious crisis, PwC shifted back to their day-to-day efforts and refocused the public narrative on the issues best associated with the firm – financial services, banking, capital markets and investments.  

Return to Regularly Scheduled Programming

By shifting back to their “regularly scheduled programming,” PwC effectively avoided further scrutiny and quietly restored their image as a firm that could be trusted with the Academy’s votes. By following the steps outlined above, the firm maintained its reputation for accuracy and integrity long after #EnvelopeGate passed.  

Over twenty years representing some of the nation’s most celebrated social changemakers, nonprofit organizations and social movements, The TASC Group has navigated a plethora of wide-ranging and highly publicized crises. By following these simple steps, individuals can ensure that their brand survives a public crisis and can seamlessly return to ”regularly scheduled programming.”

Walk the Talk: Advance Your CSR Initiatives With an ESG PR Strategy

Committing to thoughtful and relevant corporate social responsibility (CSR) programming is no longer enough. In fact, promoting your CSR promises without measurable metrics and transparency may come off as hollow and disingenuous, fomenting controversy that can, at times, harm your company, employees and the communities you are trying to serve. Make your programming more impactful, equitable, sustainable and accountable by integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in your PR strategy. 

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Right now, more than ever before, implementing a meaningful and impactful CSR plan with an ESG strategy is not just good for business – it is essential to the well-being of your company, your employees and your community.  

In 2015, Cone Communications Millennial research found that 72% of Americans say they feel it is more important than ever that the companies they buy from reflect their values, and 76% say supporting companies that are addressing social and environmental issues helps them feel they are doing their part. Nearly nine out of ten consumers say they’re likely to purchase from purpose-driven companies.

Today, Gen-Z has become an influential group of consumers, leading social causes and change through their buying power in the last few years. According to research by Fuse Marketing, “85% of Gen-Z believe companies have an obligation to help solve social problems.” A substantial 23% of Gen-Z also reported to have boycotted an activity or company.

Therefore, identifying your values and putting them into action thoughtfully and impactfully is crucial to reaching your target audience and giving back to your community. Start by examining your company values and the interests of your stakeholders to identify the need you are uniquely positioned to fill, and then build out a plan to channel resources into that space. 

CSR and ESG Initiatives Require Sincere Commitment

There are lessons to be learned from Bud Light’s partnership with social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, last April. At a time when the transgender community was being stripped of their rights by right-wing legislators and even life by transphobic individuals, Bud Light had a responsibility to stand with Dylan when hateful bullying and backlash arose from their collaboration. Instead, Bud Light turned its back on Dylan and the entire LGBTQ community. It led to massive boycotts on both sides. The TASC Group Founder and Chairman Larry Kopp puts it best: “They’ve damaged their relationship with their main customer base and the LGBTQ+ community.”

Implement a Realistic ESG Strategy to Advance Your CSR Goals

Utilizing PR can raise awareness of your CSR initiatives, build interest in the causes you care about and attract other donors and partners, big and small, to support your efforts. Weighing in on pressing issues can feel overwhelming, especially in the current news cycle, so it’s important to employ PR in a thoughtful way, focusing on your cause, not your company. 

  1. Evaluate how your brand and initiatives align with your demographics and their social advocacy.
  2. Craft the right messaging around your CSR goals and ESG initiatives, focusing your work and objectives on today’s most pressing issues. 
  3. Create a step-by-step ESG plan to advance social causes, address issues impacting communities you want to reach and invite others to get involved. 
  4. Set measurable goals to track your progress and create transparency for your initiatives

The Road Ahead

Be creative with your CSR and ESG initiatives. Finding unique ways to leverage your company’s position or events will drive media interest, which in turn will help you build support for your cause and goodwill for your company. 

Creating relevant, inventive CSR initiatives that tangibly address the needs of your community and then thoughtfully communicating them to your stakeholders is crucial for our collective revitalization efforts and also for the success of your business. Engaging in CSR and ESG will best prepare your company to build trust with consumers whose values are guiding the future. 

Need an ESG PR strategy? The TASC Group offers comprehensive services that can set your thought leadership and advocacy efforts stand out, including public relations, crisis and issues management, cause-related marketing, storytelling and messaging and more.

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