How to Manage Public Relations in Times of War

The Russia-Ukraine war has gripped the world’s attention, dominated media headlines and captured the concern of people worldwide. As the conflict unfolds, companies are stepping forward to express their solidarity with Ukraine through various measures, ranging from providing free housing for refugees to halting business operations in Russia. Amid these tumultuous times, public relations professionals find themselves at the forefront, advising companies on how to navigate the delicate balance between corporate engagement and genuine support for a humanitarian crisis. 

Here are key guidelines to consider when managing client queries during such challenging times.

Three Things to Consider

1. Advising Against Self-Promotion

One crucial piece of counsel for companies seeking to engage with the ongoing conflict is to fervently advise against any form of self-promotion during times of crisis. Attempting to capitalize on a war, especially for financial gain, can lead to severe backlash and reputational damage. Media scrutiny is intense, with reporters quick to identify and criticize any attempts at leveraging a humanitarian crisis for personal benefit. An insightful Buzzfeed article highlighted instances of responses to the Russia-Ukraine war being labeled as “cringe-worthy” and “insensitive,” such as an author urging people to buy his book. As PR advisors, it is imperative to conduct a thorough risk-assessment exercise, outlining potential concerns and ensuring that the company’s actions are aligned with ethical standards.

2. Staying in Their Lane

Encouraging clients to stay in their lane is a fundamental principle when navigating political discourse. While expressing humanitarian support for Ukraine is commendable, clients should refrain from putting a tangential spin on geopolitical matters, especially when they lack genuine expertise or insight. Proactively pitching clients to speak on issues outside their domain can reflect poorly on the brand and may be perceived as opportunistic. Instead, public relations professionals should recommend that clients avoid inserting themselves into conversations that have not sought their input, maintaining a focus on genuine and relevant contributions.

3. Establishing Standards for Cause Support

With multiple conflicts occurring globally, it’s essential to discuss standards for engaging in political and social discussions with clients. The media’s prioritization of certain conflicts over others is a reality, and clients should be aware of the potential consequences of their public stances. Candid conversations about the company’s guidelines for participating in discussions related to human rights and political matters are crucial. Inconsistencies, such as publicly supporting one conflict while discouraging internal discussions on similar issues, may expose the company to accusations of double standards. Proactively setting guidelines and adhering to them ensures that the client’s engagement is transparent and less susceptible to reputational damage.

Public Relations is Important in Conflict

The role of public relations professionals in times of war goes beyond traditional communication strategies; it involves ethical guidance and responsible engagement. By advising against self-promotion, encouraging clients to stay within their expertise and establishing clear standards for cause support, public relations professionals can help companies navigate the complex landscape of global conflicts while preserving their integrity and reputation. In an era where corporate responsibility is under constant scrutiny, thoughtful and principled engagement is paramount.

Have questions about how to handle your messaging during a conflict? Need a strategy on how to reach your audiences during unrest? Check out our PR and Communications services, and see how TASC can help.

Six of the Top 2022 Trends We Might See This Year

In our media-saturated culture, trends can sometimes be seen as fleeting and therefore not worthy of investment. But as public relations professionals, it is crucial that we stay on top of trends and integrate them into our work to keep our strategies, media relation efforts and storytelling relevant and effective. 

We’ve taken the time to compile a list of the top six trends that we think you should use to your advantage this year. 

6. Climate

Climate concern will continue into 2022 with a strong generational skew. Gen Z and Millennials will rightfully prioritize climate over traditional worries Gen X and Baby Boomers faced. Prioritization will lead to faster, bigger emission cuts to help reduce carbon pollution. This year’s sustainability and climate efforts will be led by the younger generations through influencing and social media. Young consumers’ climate concerns will encourage sustainable activities like thrifting and the repurposing of clothing in an effort to limit textile waste. Climate content and environmental activism will continue to flood social platforms. 

5. New Communications Platforms

Our current social media platforms are oversaturated with content and users. In the new year, new social platforms are going to emerge that encourage creativity and wellbeing, rather than pressuring users to find that perfect highlight-reel content and chase after likes. Think movements like #MakeInstagramCasualAgain. By leaving behind aesthetically-pleasing perfect feeds, content creators are going to lean towards authentic posting. These new platforms are going to introduce content through media outside of photos and videos and try to recreate the IRL (in real life) experiences we truly crave. 

4. Inclusive Marketing

Companies are going to move towards incorporating authentically inclusive marketing. Consumer bases are increasingly diverse and expect more from their brands’ messaging. Younger consumers are holding brands accountable and questioning their focus on supporting diversity and inclusion. Companies will establish key performance metrics for DEI objectives to demonstrate that they are promoting equitable outcomes in all areas of their influence. By participating in the space of their followers in combination with analyzing their metrics to understand what is working for them, companies’ communication will not be one-directional. Instead, it will encourage the breaking of barriers between corporate and human content to help companies follow through on these promises. 

3. Shifting the Monetization in Sports    

Last year, we saw the creation of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). It took many of us nearly all of 2021 to figure out what an NFT was. NFT sports collectibles are predicted to grow massively, making a considerable mark in revenue perspective and potentially inspiring major sports leagues to dip their toe into the crypto market. In 2022, Deloitte predicts that NFTs will be generating more than $2BN in transactions for sports media, doubling that of 2021.

2. Health in the Age of COVID

Telemedicine will expand to include increased use of remote patient monitoring, digital therapeutics and wearable health tech. The pressure the pandemic put on medical professionals by limiting office visits helped show they can use data responsibly to improve health experiences without compromising the patient’s privacy. In order to harness the full potential of virtual health, the focus will center around achieving quality and value with the integration of in-office visits. Investing more time and resources into virtual health will also improve accessibility to quality health care by streamlining access to doctors and eliminating wait times in the office. Patients expect personalized communication and connectivity, and in 2022 virtual health will improve. 

1. Rethinking the Workplace 

According to a Toluna consumer trends survey, 88% of US consumers say they believe they should have the right to work remotely if technology and the nature of their work permit it. Despite the stress and uncertainty the pandemic has caused, many have realized the efficiency of working remotely. The disruption of the traditional workplace created a need in people’s lives for privacy and space. The current business landscape will adapt to making flexible work a requisite. Senior staff will encourage unnecessary meetings to be covered over email. Virtual breaks will help combat Zoom fatigue and burnout. In the same vein, business leaders will prioritize emotional wellbeing and recognize mental health by establishing wellness benefits or services. 

Despite how difficult it seems to keep up with trends, they are immediately recognizable and have an incredible influence online. While our predictions are certainly not the only trends 2022 is bound to see, this list is a great start to begin thinking about how you can use trends to boost your PR, communications and company strategies to a new level. 

Networking For Young PR Professionals

As we navigate the professional landscape in 2024, networking stands tall as an indispensable cornerstone in the journey of young professionals, especially in fields like public relations where its significance is particularly pronounced. The evolution of networking has mirrored the dynamic changes ushered in by the digital era, adapting to the demands of a technologically driven world. The act of establishing connections within the industry remains a linchpin, offering a myriad of advantages, from securing new client work to unveiling job opportunities, receiving referrals, finding mentors and gaining invaluable insider intelligence. 

Recent statistics reinforce the pivotal role of networking, with a staggering 80% of job placements attributed to the strategic channels forged through professional connections.

Where to Get Started

Traditionally, events and conferences in public relations have been revered as prime arenas for networking, fostering meaningful connections through face-to-face interactions, especially as a young PR professional. However, the advent of the internet has transcended these physical boundaries, leading to a new era of online networking. 

Platforms such as LinkedIn have emerged as powerful tools, reshaping the landscape and empowering young professionals to expand their reach exponentially. Cultivating an online network that spans past internship contacts, professors, employers and colleagues has become a strategic imperative. This paradigm shift is particularly evident in the job application process, where leveraging online networking by connecting with current employees provides nuanced insights into company culture, thereby amplifying the potential for a lasting impression during interviews.

Four Steps for Success

Navigating the intricacies of networking in 2024 is an art that demands strategic finesse. Preparedness remains the key, instilling confidence in interactions and fostering relationships organically. To capitalize on networking opportunities, these timeless tips continue to hold sway:

1. Make Authentic Connections

Creating lasting impressions remains the primary goal, with authenticity taking center stage. The emphasis lies in genuinely understanding and connecting with individuals beyond superficial exchanges. Identifying shared goals and interests remains crucial, laying the foundation for meaningful conversations that contribute to the development of a robust professional relationship.

2. Show What You Can Offer

While the immediate inclination may be to assert personal needs, the current strategy continues to emphasize showcasing what one can offer to others. This approach, rather than being overt about personal goals, establishes goodwill. Networking is viewed as a reciprocal and mutually beneficial exchange, where both parties contribute to each other’s success, creating a symbiotic professional ecosystem.

3. Let the Other Party Speak

Being armed with thoughtful questions demonstrates genuine interest in the other person’s work and experiences. Allowing the other party to share insights, advice and feedback contributes to a balanced and meaningful conversation. The significance of questions regarding their duration with the company, required training for the position, and the overall company culture remains, fostering engagement and enriching the networking experience.

4. Follow-Up

In the dynamic and crowded networking environment of 2024, differentiation is crucial. Following up after an initial meeting, whether through email or LinkedIn, retains its status as an effective strategy. This not only reinforces the connection but also provides an opportunity to express gratitude for the interaction and convey continued interest in maintaining the relationship. A thoughtful follow-up holds the power to leave a lasting impression, setting the stage for future collaboration or engagement in a fast-paced professional world.

The Value of a Good Network

In the contemporary professional landscape, building a robust network transcends the mere showcasing of skills; it involves creating a memorable and enduring presence within the industry. Confidence in one’s work, coupled with effective self-presentation, enhances the likelihood of establishing meaningful connections that stand the test of time. The development of a strong network remains a valuable asset, offering ongoing support, guidance and opportunities throughout one’s professional journey. 

As a young PR professional in 2024, investing time and effort in networking continues to be a steadfast contributor to a fulfilling and successful career trajectory, unlocking doors to a world of possibilities and growth in an ever-evolving professional client work, job opportunities, referrals, mentoring or having insider intel. In fact, a study conducted by The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics found that 85% of jobs are filled by networking!

The opportunity to network can happen at any PR event or conference, so make sure to take advantage of these moments when they present themselves. Aside from attending networking events in person, thanks to the internet you’re now able to network right from home! LinkedIn is one of the most popular sites when it comes to business networking; adding past internship contacts, professors, employers and colleagues can be a great start to building your online connections. If you’re interviewing for a job at a company, don’t be afraid to connect with one of their current employees and strike up a conversation on their experience with the company and what got them to their current position.

When networking it’s important to make yourself memorable. Being prepared can help you feel confident in your interactions and help relationships form naturally. Follow these tips:

  • Make authentic connections: Creating lasting impressions is the main goal. This will come easier if you take time to talk and get to know the person versus a brief chat. Try to see how you could both benefit from the connection and find shared goals and interests to strike up a conversation.
  • Show people what you can do for them: While you may be tempted to be forward about your intentions whether it is to land a job or an interview, offering your help instead will make them want to help you in return. Remember, networking should be mutually beneficial for both parties.
  • Let the other party speak: Make sure to come prepared with a few questions to ask the other party about their work/company. If you take over most of the conversation, you leave no room for them to share any advice, feedback or questions they may have for you. Asking questions like these can help the other person feel like you’re interested in what they have to say:
    • How long have you been with the company?
    • What type of training did you need for this position?
    • How is the culture of the company?
  • Follow-up: The chances that the person you are trying to connect with is also being pursued by several other people are high. Especially at a networking event, it can be hard to keep track of who is who. Getting their email or connecting with them on LinkedIn and sending them a message shortly after you’ve met can help secure a lasting impression.

While your skillset is important, building a strong network of those in your field and making a name for yourself can be a huge advantage for your professional career down the road. Remember to be confident in your work and practice presenting yourself, and you’ll have no trouble gaining connections.

PR Nightmares and How to Avoid Them

With Halloween just around the corner, there is no better time for us to revisit every communications professional’s worst fear: PR nightmares. Whether it be cringe-worthy performative activism (think Kendall Jenner’s 2017 Pepsi ad) or failure to be transparent with consumers, PR nightmares can take many forms and require communications professionals to quickly shift gears into crisis mode to protect their client’s image. Despite increasing corporate social responsibility among companies and brands, this year had no shortage of PR nightmares.

Notable PR Nightmares


Back in December 2020, Tropicana launched its #TakeAMimoment social media campaign which encouraged parents to share how they take breaks amid the struggles of pandemic parenting. The company insinuated that one way parents can relax during their downtime is by enjoying a Tropicana mimosa. While intended to be a light-hearted nod to how having children at home 24/7 drove many parents up the wall during school closures, the campaign offended many consumers who found it extremely insensitive given the dramatic increase in alcoholism during the pandemic. For example, Klen&Sobr, a recovery pod organization, tweeted: “FWIW, the campaign didn’t “imply” alcohol was the answer… it was *explicit* in demonstrating that hiding from one’s family —including leaving young children unsupervised— to drink alone was the answer. I’m gonna need to #TakeAMimoment to process your weak apology.” The company apologized shortly after the backlash stating that it had not meant to “imply that alcohol is the answer.

McKinsey & Company

Renowned global consultancy McKinsey faced widespread backlash after it was revealed that the group had aided Purdue Pharma in driving sales of OxyContin, a highly addictive prescription pain killer and a key driver of the opioid epidemic, which has contributed to the deaths of more than 450,000 people over the last two decades. When it later came out that top consultants at the firm had discussed destroying documents related to their work with Purdue, the outrage only intensified. McKinsey received public criticism from top politicians such as New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy as well as from former employees. The company issued a brief apology statement on its website, something it has rarely done in the past. Despite McKinsey’s half-hearted attempt to escape accountability for its actions, the company ultimately settled out of court for nearly $600 million for its involvement in the marketing of OxyContin. Given that McKinsey’s annual revenue is estimated at a whopping $10 billion by Fortune, one might argue that the settlement is not true accountability.

Governor Cuomo’s Resignation

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation in August 2021 after 10 years in office amid numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and a sexual harassment report from the attorney general’s office which found most, if not all, of these allegations to be true. In his last press conference, the former governor failed to take responsibility for his actions by insisting that he never intended to do any harm and suggesting that the allegations were “politically motivated.” Similar to the case of McKinsey, Cuomo’s attempt to evade accountability for his actions was received very negatively by the public, costing him his career and reputation. Cuomo’s fall from grace was especially jarring to the public due to his leadership during the pandemic – he won the country over by portraying himself as a man of integrity and transparency only for it to be revealed that the image he had carefully cultivated for himself was an illusion designed to conceal an abusive work culture and predatory behavior. A large part of the backlash Cuomo received from the public stemmed in part from a feeling of betrayal that he was not the upstanding leader he had convinced the country he was.

How to Avoid a PR Nightmare

These three crises are all very different in nature. McKinsey and Andrew Cuomo’s crises resulted in very real harm to those involved. Tropicana’s poorly worded advertisement was distasteful at best and offensive at worst. Interestingly enough, Tropicana’s crisis held the least consequences for the public, yet it was the only actor in all three cases to issue a genuine apology. This is largely because admitting wrongdoing in both McKinsey and Cuomo’s cases would result in legal and financial consequences in addition to reputational consequences. It is also in part due to the fact that the bigger the mistake is the more difficult the apology. So how can companies and individuals avoid making these dire mistakes that harm so many?

Clear Communication

Leaders and organizations should always be sure to communicate openly and honestly with the public. This means using intentional language in advertisements and on social media and being thoughtful about the repercussions of the messaging being communicated to the public.


Companies and public figures should never hide pertinent information about their product or platform from the company. However, if something is hidden comes to light, the involved individuals and brands must come clean as soon as possible rather than attempting to further cover up past mistakes. Lying to the public will only cause more damage to the brand or individual’s reputation and its victims.


When caught in a crisis, it’s imperative that organizations and individuals respond swiftly, taking accountability for their actions and apologizing accordingly.

Think of Your Audience 

At the end of the day, the best way to avoid PR nightmares is for brands and individuals to prioritize the wellbeing of the consumers and audiences they serve. This means listening attentively to your audience’s needs, concerns and feedback, and responding with genuine care and consideration. It means being transparent about business practices, product quality and any potential risks. It means taking responsibility for mistakes, swiftly addressing issues, and implementing measures to prevent recurrence. Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Communications services to discover how TASC can assist in avoiding and navigating a PR nightmare.

How to Know If Public Relations Is The Best Career Path For You

Public Relations (PR) is a strategic communications process that builds a mutually beneficial relationship between an individual or organization and the public. Our role as PR professionals is to relay information between our client and the public to influence opinion and perception. When you’re first starting in your career, it’s always tricky to pinpoint where your skills best fit and where they can thrive. More specifically, as a professional first starting in the public relations industry, it may take a while to figure out whether this is the industry for you. 

Below, we at The TASC Group have compiled the top five indicators to help you decipher if PR is the right fit for you and your talents.

How Do I Know if PR Is Right For Me? 

1. You Like a Little Bit of Everything

This may sound vague but hear us out. With PR, you end up wearing many hats and can make your way into any industry. Whether it’s social good, entertainment or politics, everything and everyone needs PR. You can learn the ins and outs of any industry without directly being labeled as a philanthropist, entertainer or politician. There are many moving parts when it comes to PR, which is why many PR professionals find it challenging to describe exactly what we do. We do everything.

2. You Love Writing; However, You Don’t Necessarily Want to Be a Writer

One thing you can guarantee about PR is that being a good storyteller will be a central part of your job whether that’s pitching your clients to journalists or training clients on how to engage with the media. Being a good storyteller is only half the battle in PR; you must be a great writer, which includes being adept at grammar, mastering nuances in language and knowing how to use the right words to get your message across. It’s the slight differences that genuinely set you apart in this industry.

3. Networking Comes Second Nature to You

Networking is often something that most people dread. However, if you shine while you’re connecting with people, you are headed in the right direction. Connecting is one word you will hear at least once a day when you are a part of this industry, and it is integral to succeeding. 

4. You Enjoy Working Behind The Scenes

Successful PR means your client shines without drawing attention to the mechanism that’s making it happen. As a PR professional, you will be doing a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes to elevate your clients’ stories. It’s not all glitz and glamor. PR includes being deeply involved in the ways you present your clients by doing thorough research and staying ahead of the latest news. We’re not in the spotlight but we’re making all the pieces fit together to paint that great picture on the outside.

5. You Are So Adaptable That You Might as Well Be a Chameleon

One of the most complex parts of being successful in PR is knowing when to adapt. The best of us often get stuck in our ways in this industry because we learn so much at the beginning of our careers that we forget how much things have changed from the first time we got a grasp on PR. If PR is truly the right industry for you, just know that being able to change along with the industry can get you far. 

If This Sounds Interesting, PR Might Be For You!

Although it’s often unnerving to decide on something as significant as your career, the great thing with PR is that it’s ever-changing, providing you with the opportunity to become an expert across sectors and stay engaged with current events. If you think you’re ready to take the step into the exciting world of PR, visit our website’s career page and see if there are any options that fit your resume. Additionally, if you’re interested but not sure you’re ready for a full time job, an internship is a great way to try PR out and learn new skills from our talented team at The TASC Group.

Dear CEOs, media relations isn’t a DIY job…and you don’t want it to be

What Happened to Blade? 

Two years ago, news broke that Blade, an aviation startup similar to a ride-sharing app offering helicopter rides, invented a person – their spokesperson. For three years, Blade maintained the existence of an invented staff member named Simon McLaren. He regularly spoke on behalf of the company in outlets including Vanity Fair, The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN, occasionally even speaking with reporters over the phone. In reality, on the other end of reporters’ s was Blade’s CEO, Rob Wiesenthal. 

The company claims everything on record attributed to McLaren is factually accurate. Oddly enough, the company’s spokesperson McLaren soon took on a life outside of traditional media relations, even penning a blog that explored his experience throughout the pandemic and writing a regular newsletter. Blade also released a letter, supposedly written by McLaren, announcing his departure. After years of deceit, Wiesenthal came clean in an interview with Business Insider. As an explanation for this bizarre behavior, Wiesenthal told reporters that, “When it was appropriate for a spokesperson to respond to a press inquiry rather than the CEO, given that we did not have a spokesperson, we used the pseudonym . . .” 

There’s real value in having a firewall in the form of a spokesperson – sometimes CEOs don’t want to be in the line of fire and/or need to keep their distance from a crisis situation. They should have an actual spokesperson. In other words, Wiesenthal’s reasoning is valid, but the way he went about it was all wrong. 

Where Did Blade Go Wrong? 

Faking a PR person impacts brand integrity and image, creating mistrust and raising a lot of questions about a brand’s values and ethics. While it’s understandable that as a startup the company likely didn’t have the resources to maintain a full-time spokesperson, we have to wonder why, as the company grew, they didn’t look to experienced communications and media professionals to support their brand’s reputation. If they had, they could have saved themselves from becoming synonymous with this strange scandal. 

We know CEOs want to be in-the-know about all things related to their brand, and especially want to keep tabs on the perception of their company in the general public. Their primary interests are to protect their business, support its growth and build brand reputation. But media relations is not a part-time job, and it’s definitely not one that can be handled by an invented person or a busy CEO. While Blade clearly understood the value of a spokesperson and a communications team, they didn’t understand the value of having an experienced or even real one. 

How Could Blade Have Prevented This? 

Media relations is a craft mastered over years and requires extensive experience. Having a team specialized in media relations, either internally or as a third-party partner, allows a CEO to stay in the know while their team deftly builds media relationships, shares a company’s mission and values and insulates a brand from crises. Without a proper communications team in place, your company not only suffers from inattention, but it can also be at risk for a potential crisis and/or end up being misrepresented in the media. 

A communications team is also essential in growing a business from day one, as we’ve discussed in our blog about PR for startups. A developed communications operation enables a company to grow and reach new customers and investors. Experienced PR professionals understand what your stakeholders are interested in and the most valuable story your brand has to tell. Most importantly, they can tell you when your actions, as well-intentioned as they may be, could land you in hot water, rather than in the hearts of your audiences and potential investors. No matter the stage your company is in, invest in communications. It can only help, from growing your market share to giving you a better sense of what your brand really is. 

Blade has since hired a PR agency, something a seasoned professional would have told them to do long ago. Whether an organization is new and growing or established and reputable, a holistic communications strategy is foundational to any organization’s growth, public image and trust. To learn more about ways that The TASC Group can help your organization, visit our website.

PR for Startup Companies

In the dynamic entrepreneurial landscape of 2024, launching a startup is akin to navigating a labyrinth of challenges and opportunities. Amidst the myriad of considerations, one facet that demands unwavering attention is the formulation and execution of a robust public relations strategy. While the upfront costs associated with hiring a PR practitioner or engaging an agency may seem formidable for nascent enterprises, the enduring advantages far exceed the initial investment. In this era of cutthroat competition, the critical role of PR in shaping the trajectory of a startup’s success cannot be overstated.

Three Ways PR Can Help Your Startup

1. The Art of Crafting a Compelling Narrative

In an age dominated by digital interactions, the art of effective storytelling stands at the epicenter of triumphant PR. Founders embarking on the journey of media outreach must master the skill of articulating their company’s narrative with clarity and conciseness, accentuating not just what they do but also why it matters. This process extends beyond the immediate need for media coverage; it compels leadership to engage in a profound introspection of the company’s purpose and goals, fostering the establishment of robust core values right from the inception. Beyond the mere exchange of information, the interaction with journalists serves as a crucible for refining the company’s identity, providing invaluable insights into aspects that resonate most with consumers. The feedback obtained during these interactions becomes a compass guiding emerging startups, steering them away from potential pitfalls and ensuring a more compelling market entry.

2. Establishing Credibility

While a meticulously executed marketing campaign is undeniably pivotal, relying solely on self-promotion is akin to navigating treacherous waters without a compass. In an era where consumers are discerning and inherently skeptical, companies with little credibility beyond their advertising efforts risk falling short in winning over their target audience. Positive coverage from reputable news outlets and external organizations is a powerful catalyst for building a startup’s reputation and fostering brand awareness. This is particularly critical for startups with minimal consumer recognition in their early stages. Moreover, the cumulative effect of positive press extends beyond immediate gains, significantly boosting Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and thereby attracting potential partners and consumers, fortifying the startup’s foundation for long-term growth.

3. Navigating the Media Landscape with Finesse

The initial stages of a startup’s journey are often characterized by a lack of experience in media relations, and attempting to manage it internally can be a formidable challenge. This is where the expertise of a dedicated PR team or practitioner becomes indispensable. Beyond merely securing media coverage, a proficient PR team acts as a guiding compass, navigating the intricate landscape of media relations and ensuring a strategic approach. Importantly, having a robust communications team in place even before the official launch proves instrumental in sidestepping common mistakes that could potentially harm the brand image and impede the cultivation of positive media relationships. From ensuring timely follow-ups with journalists to meticulously proofreading public-facing documents, these seemingly minor details play a pivotal role in sustaining media interest and support.

PR Can Transform Your Startup

For visionary founders, the transformative impact of investing in top-notch PR support is a well-established truth. Far more than a mere expenditure, it is an investment that yields substantial returns over time, catapulting an ordinary startup into the echelons of a reputable brand. This differentiation not only contributes to financial and social growth but also ensures enduring success in the ever-evolving business landscape of 2024. Recognizing the indispensable role of PR is not merely a strategic choice for startups; it is an imperative, a compass guiding them towards sustained success and influential impact in the competitive realms of the business world. In the tapestry of startup success stories in 2024, PR is the thread that weaves lasting legacies.

Need help crafting effective messaging for your startup? Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Communications services to discover how we can assist in amplifying your organization to the media.

Communications During Times of Political Unrest

December 4, 2020

Today is an unprecedented time in U.S. history. As the coronavirus continues to rage months after its initial proliferation on U.S. soil, Americans are also reckoning with the other public health crises of systemic racism and police brutality. On top of everything, one of the most contentious and historic presidential elections in our nation’s history recently took place and continues to dominate the news cycle. This divisive nature of our political discourse continues to undermine and weaken the foundation of our democracy and civic society.

With all that’s going on in the country, brands and businesses have been forced to shift the ways in which they communicate with their consumers. As we saw in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd, it’s no longer enough for businesses to post a brief note on Instagram purporting their support for social change.

Even worse than virtual signaling, some brands and communications leaders continue to actively perpetuate structural inequalities in their organizations – earlier this year, Motel 6, Home Depot and Keurig Dr Pepper cut ties with Dallas advertising agency the Richards Group after its founder told a client that a proposed ad was “too Black.”

Consumers want to see brands taking concrete action to be part of the change they claim to support. In fact, 55% of consumers believe brands play a more important role than governments in creating a better future.

Below are a few strategies businesses should incorporate to show consumers they are stepping up as leaders and actively striving for change.

Adopt a Learning Mindset

One of the most important steps a brand can take to demonstrate to consumers that it has a genuine commitment to enacting positive social impact is adopting a learning mindset. Many companies failed to step forward on issues pertaining to both COVID-19 and systemic racism because they feared saying the wrong thing and drawing criticism that could potentially damage their brand image. But in this day and age, companies need to show consumers that they are willing to prioritize doing the right thing over saving face – consumers will appreciate brands taking the risk to be vocal on critical social issues.

If a business does step forward and says something misinformed, it is important to be able to admit wrongdoing and grow from the mistake. Brands that are able to listen and learn from their consumers will ultimately be more successful than those that remain silent.

Look Internally

One of the biggest criticisms companies drew after the protests erupted over George Floyd in May was that of engaging in performative activism. Consumers are looking to brands for genuine allyship – if a brand does not hold itself to the same values it outwardly claims to believe in, its message will come off as shallow and opportunistic.

The best thing a company can do to avoid “band wagoning” onto an important social justice cause is to evaluate its internal culture before taking a stance on key issues. This could mean taking steps to combat systemic racism in the workplace, like hiring a DEI consultant, or making regular contributions to COVID-19 relief funds. Brands that take concrete steps to better themselves before participating in difficult conversations around social issues embody an authentic purpose that will not go unnoticed by consumers.

Giving Back

Perhaps the most important action a brand can take to show consumers that they care about the larger community is providing more than just commercial products. Consumers, particularly millennials and Gen Zers, want to see that brands have other goals beyond generating capital.

Whether this means hosting webinars with other industry leaders on inclusive hiring practices to promote diversity in the workplace or publishing thought leadership on how best to break into their fields for aspiring professionals, brands need to show consumers that they care about more than what’s in their wallets.

Although 2020 will soon be coming to a close, hopefully brands and businesses will continue to acknowledge their roles as leaders in the broader community and work to build a better society for all. Those that do not evolve with the changing times will run the risk of being forgotten.

Apology PR for Brands

November 9, 2020

Whether it be the 2017 Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad or Peleton’s 2019 Christmas campaign, out-of-touch marketing from brands and corporations is all too common and frequently misses the mark, offending consumers. With social media making it easier than ever before for consumers to hold brands accountable for missteps, it is essential that companies own and publicly address their mistakes and familiarize themselves with issuing apologies.

Although apologizing seems like an obvious and straightforward approach to preserving a brand’s image, many companies still get it wrong. Botched corporate apologies often come as a result of a failure to admit wrongdoing or an attempt to assign blame externally. Insincere apologies will only create more damage to brand image and make ensuing apologies less impactful.

To survive in the era of smartphones, online reviews and social media, having a plan in place to own and correct mistakes is critical. Below are some key components of a successful high-profile apology.

Denial Has No Place in an Apology – Take Accountability

Refusing to take accountability is a defensive mechanism and is simply human nature. But, this impulse is what often leads brands astray when issuing public apology statements. Brands that respond to consumer backlash with denial and excuses appear to be redirecting blame, which often causes further controversy and damage to company image.

Instead of getting defensive, brands should respect the feelings of their consumers and take accountability for the harm they’ve caused. Everyone can relate to how difficult a sincere apology can be, and consumers will appreciate a company’s willingness to accept blame and appear vulnerable in an extremely public setting.

Choose Your Words Wisely

Another critical aspect of a successful brand apology is sounding human instead of like a corporation. Companies should avoid using overly conservative professional language or jargon when issuing public statements, as this will come across as disingenuous and calculated.

Simple language is always better in these cases because it sounds more sincere. Saying “I’m sorry if I offended anyone,” or “I’m sorry you feel that way” comes off as deflective.

For example, after Peloton received backlash over its 2019 Christmas campaign, the company issued a statement that said: “While we’re disappointed in how some have misinterpreted this commercial, we are encouraged by — and grateful for — the outpouring of support we’ve received from those who understand what we were trying to communicate.” Unsurprisingly, the company continued to be criticized and ridiculed on social media following the statement.

A straight-forward “I’m sorry” will always go a lot farther than a backhanded apology.

Make a Plan – And Stick to It

Last but not least, actions speak louder than words. A crucial component of any brand apology is a promise to do better in the future. Consumers want to see that the company apologizing has reflected on its mistake and come up with a thoughtful and action-oriented plan to prevent future missteps.

However, the work must continue after the apology statement has been issued. Brands must make good on their promise to do better and actively demonstrate to their consumers that they are committing to the plan they set for themselves to become a more responsible organization. Failing to do so will likely result in, well, another apology.

The Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad and The Doom of In-House Agencies

We may be familiar with one of the most controversial ads in recent memory – the Pepsi ad featuring Kendall Jenner. Released in 2017, the advertisement caused an uproar on social media, calling the communications campaign tone-deaf and highly problematic. Many called into question how an advertisement could have been approved.  

What Are Marketing Experts Saying?  

Following the backlash, PR Week published an article featuring opposing viewpoints from marketing veterans Marian Salzman and Peter Land and the sides they take on whether the ad spells doom for in-house agencies.

Marian Salzam thinks it does. “The ad behind the recent Pepsi debacle was conceived in an echo chamber and not gut checked with real-world, diverse consumers,” she says.  

She also discusses how in-house agencies usually have a set mindset, and can easily end up creating something that is not representative of the entire population. “Many companies are echo chambers, and teams become isolated,” she says, and notes that an outside agency may have been able to prevent this embarrassment.  

Although Salzam hopes this was an isolated incident, it’s likely that something similar could happen again if homogenous teams continue to create brands’ marketing and advertising.

Peter Land, however, takes a different viewpoint, citing Nike as an example of a successful brand with an in-house team.  

“One of the many things that has made Nike successful is it considers itself a challenger brand that defies convention and takes creative risks,” he writes.  

He adds that the best ‘challenger’ brands foster strong collaboration, a tactic that led to Nike’s Air Jordan franchise. Peter does not believe that Pepsi’s failed ad was due to being created in-house. He thinks that the Pepsi situation should be a teaching example of how to best synergize in-house and outside agencies and the importance of a good PR strategy. 

What Can Companies Take Away from This?  

Pushing the envelope can be a great move for brands, as can using a celebrity spokesperson; but ultimately, brands shouldn’t lose sight of their main goal: to connect with consumers and foster a positive association with, and feeling about, their company and products. Whether employing an in-house agency or recruiting external public relations and branding support, it’s worth getting things gut-checked by a varied group of people, who may see something different than what’s intended, before putting something out to the masses.

As your PR experts, we understand the importance of crafting intentional and purposeful campaigns in order to get the correct message across to your target audience. Explore our comprehensive range of PR and Comminications services to discover how we can assist in amplifying your organization’s mission.

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